There are many different options for Travertine tile colors. Color names may vary from company to company or in different parts of US.
You can choose your travertine tile colors from earth tones or there are also colorful options. We suggest you to take into consideration your outdoor furniture or house paint color. Furthermore, as of size, you can choose single sizes or go with French pattern (Versailles) Travertine Tiles.
Most preferred earth tone travertine tile colors are Ivory (Classic), Beige, Walnut (Tuscany Walnut) and Noche (Noce).
Moreover, Most preferred colorful options are Scabos (Scabas, Tuscany Scabas), Gold (Tuscany Riviera) and Silver Travertine Tiles.
Tiles can be installed on concrete, only. If you have sand base, you need to go with travertine pavers. Each travertine tiles have matching pool copings in different sizes. Travertine Tiles thickness is 1/2″. Paver’s thickness is 1.25″. You can install on sand or concrete. Travertine Tiles absorb the water and keep the heat so your feet won’t burn. They are durable.
Also, for more finished project photos or more paver patio ideas, you can visit our Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook or Google Business Accounts.